This site serves as a home base for notes from the Meditation Group in Traverse City at Higher Self on Wednesday evenings, and as a home for Robert’s musings on the nature of the human experience and the arena in which it occurs.

The Traverse City Meditation group meets every Wednesday evening, 7:00 – 8:00PM, at Higher Self on Front Street in Traverse City.

Our groups are generally satsang style gatherings for meditators of all levels, from beginners to experienced meditators. Evenings will normally involve a group discussion, a structured meditation, and a sharing of experiences.

A group environment benefits meditators at all levels. Group energy, shared intention and purpose all serve to strengthen and deepen our experiences.

The group is grounded in Robert’s First Principles and the ancient traditions of classical yoga, but is not tied to any specific religion or belief system. No belief is required or expected or encouraged, only open-mindedness and willingness and desire.

Through an improved understanding and appreciation of Universal Truth we come to a place where meditation happens naturally.

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