Dec 29 – Facilitated by Pauline and Nick

This week I’m out of town, and Pauline and Nick generously offered to host Wednesday evening’s meditation group meeting. I’m not sure what they have planned, but I am sure it will be a wonderful and worthwhile gathering.

As confirmation of that I got this email today, Sadhguru’s quote of the day email:

It takes all kinds of people to make the world beautiful. You can do it too.

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I met Pauline and Nick through this meditation group, and they’ve been regulars since they first found the group. Both of them have strong spiritual connections, and both are still learning the depth and profoundness of this connection. As are nearly all of us.

As I saw so clearly in the visions that transformed my journey into meditation, every being has at its core the same shining light of the divine. The divine is made manifest in this material universe through this light.

So each of us is carrying this same innate potential. Oh, we can talk about karma and the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. We can talk about each of us being different. But at our core we are not different, we are all conduits through which shines the divine light. All of us, including me, including you, including Nick, including Pauline.
