July 2024 Sessions

Wednesday July 24


Wednesday July 17

A vibrant crowd tonight, 15 loving souls. We used the recent format of meditation first, discussion and community after. Starting with a basis of acknowledging that we are in essence parts of a singular divine Unity, experiencing the world and this life through different bodies and minds. Using breath and awareness of energy to bring our awareness toward the divine and away from the separate phyical entity.

From here we moved into a meditation based around focusing prana energy and allowing it to flow upward through the chakras, resting, concentrating, and growing at each. After reaching Sahasrara crown chakra we rest in divine Union. This process is taken from Vigyan Bhairav Tantra:

(Meditate on that shakti) moving upwards like lightning through all the chakras one by one to the dwadashanta. Then at last the glorious form of Bhairava dawns.

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, sloka 29

Edit: interesting that this more-original text refers to the chakra ‘dwadashanta’ (12th energy center) … I had learned it as the main crown chakra sahasrara.

Wednesday July 10

AUM Chanting! 108 rounds of Aum, done slowly over about 32 minutes, with a recording of Sadhguru chanting as a centerpiece and guide. It was a shared common experience that everything disappears partway through, leaving nothing but AUM and perhaps an image or vision.

Wednesday July 3

This evening was busy and also not busy. The Traverse City Cherry Festival was happening all around, bringing many people, cars, and much noise and commotion. Consequently we had a small group this evening, with many choosing to stay away from the crowds.

The evening meditation was simple sitting in silence, dropping the body, dropping attachment to thoughts, allowing the silence to emerge naturally.