An engineer brought into the spiritual world through a dramatic experience in meditation. Initiated into kriya yoga by my guru, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. Bringing the timeless lessons of classical yoga forward into our lives.
A recap of subjects from recent group meditation sessions Dec 13 - Tuesday in Traverse City A guided meditation presented by Rob, created by Dhyanse, details below on the Dec…
It's useful to periodically review and re-assess our current state and self-identity and how we present ourselves in the world. Do our actions match our desires? Are your motivations aligned…
A summary of what's been happening lately at the Wednesday evening group meditations November 30 A discussion on selfless love, karma yoga, consciously choosing emotions, living in the present. November…
Who do you Trust? Who do you learn from? Summer 2021: I walked into a bookstore I'd never been in before: Crazy Wisdom Bookstore and Tea Room, in Ann Arbor. …
A summary of what's been happening lately at the Wednesday evening group meditations October 26 The Isha Kriya was appropriate this evening. It's an effective 15 minute practice on detachment…
There can be some distance between seeing the all-pervading unitary oneness of creation and actually living in the realization of this. Using third-person grammar and thinking in terms less identified…
A poem I must share. It came to my attention as I was contemplating the necessity of separating our sense of ourselves from the body and it's sensations and activities.…
There's been some time without weekly updates on the meditation group's meetings every Wednesday evening at the Grayling library. I've been thinking of how to proceed here. We can and…
Cognitive Dissonance is a term we might encounter in this modern age full of action and ideas. Definitions vary slightly, here's a basic meaning: Cognitive dissonance, anxiety that results from simultaneously…