June 1

A small group this week. We had a discussion and then a recorded guided meditation by Sadhguru.

An interesting bit of feedback on this guided meditation came later: the meditation featured a visualization of flying. Imagine your body becoming lighter and lighter, until it begins to float just above the ground. Gradually higher and higher, and then we begin to travel. This visualization happens with many of Sadhguru’s guided meditations.

The feedback centered around this being an uncomfortable experience. Imagine myself floating 1000 feet above the ground? No thanks! Not fun! Not relaxing! Very anxiety inducing!

Honestly this hadn’t occurred to me at all. Perhaps first we have to relax and trust that we’re safe and that there is no danger.

This is one of the big-T Truths we arrive at through meditation, that there is really no essential danger to our true selves in the world. Our true core self is unaffected by anything that happens here in the material plane, positive or negative.

But as people we tend to spend our time wrapped up in the body and mind. The body is an exceedingly fragile thing, inevitably decaying and dying. And so we have body-based fears.