June 8 – Chanting

A small group again this week, and so we focused on a particular interest of the group: Kriya Yoga.

Kriya can be taken as referring to internal action, complementary to karma referring to external action. Kriya yoga in the USA is typically taken to refer to specific practices tracing their lineage to Babaji through Lahiri Mahasaya.

For me Kriya yoga comes from Sadhguru, and is the foundation of my daily practices. Sadhguru’s teachings are not directly tied to Mahasaya’s lineage, the story is more complex than that and not connected to other schools and gurus in the last century.

So we talked about Kriya yoga, specifically Shambhavi mahamudra, the first step in Sadhguru’s path of kriya yoga. I think someone in the group is ready for initiation into Shambhavi, and this fills me with joy and happiness.

Our meditation this week was chanting of the mantra “Brahmananda Swaroopa“. This consecrated chant can bring us closer to Sadhguru, and so was appropriate for this group this week.

Brahmananda Swaroopa, Isha Jagadisha
Akhilananda Swaroopa, Isha Mahesha

Notes to email subscribers:

  • More posts than normal this week. I’m catching up on last week and posting a few things since I’ll be out of touch for the next two weeks at the Isha Institute in Tennessee.
  • I frequently embed Youtube videos in posts, as in this post. These don’t seem to appear in the email messages. So if something seems missing click through to the website and you may see videos or other content embedded.