May 2024 Sessions

Wednesday May 30

Something different this evening — we played the first introduction to the Monroe Institute’s Gateway Experience series.

This is a training series using binaural audio and hypnosis-like techniques. The audio frequencies are intended to induce brain states like the Alpha wave. These brain states then form the foundation for a variety of experiences and awareness exercises.

I have limited experience with this series, I’ve been through the first 6 lessons. My initial impression is that there are some powerful techniques here that may be worth trying for many of us.

Technical note: These are .flac audio files, higher quality than .mp3 or .m4a files. Larger file sizes but necessary for best quality transmission of the binaural frequencies. I store these on my home network and play them back with a laptop. Phones may present challenges with storage and playback. I read that it should be possible on an iPhone, but I don’t have direct experience with that.

You have a curiosity for pursuing this, but the official store price presents a challenge. In that case send me a message and we’ll find another approach.

Official Store Downloads: ($660!)…/gateway-experience-waves-i-viii

Wednesday May 21

There’s been a recent calling to make a change in the direction of the group and a change to the teaching approach used. A broad ranging discussion led naturally into the topic of balance, and the evening’s meditation centered around using the breath to find unity, stability, and balance.

Wednesday May 14

A wide-ranging discussion on topics of relevant life situations. Our meditation was basic unstructured box breathing, in silence, with soft background music from Jonathon Goldman.

The basic box breathing technique is to focus on the breath through four stages:

  1. Inhale
  2. Hold full breath, keeping the body absolutely still
  3. Exhale, long and slow
  4. Hold empty breath, keeping the body absolutely still

Wednesday May 7

Mantra chanting! This has become a bit more frequent over the past year, as it is so effective and powerful for so many people. This evening we tried the mantra “So Hum“, also written as “Soham”. Translates as “I am That”, by which we mean that our internal, core self is one with that of the entire Universe and beyond.